Ck2 agot reddit submods page
Ck2 agot reddit submods page

ck2 agot reddit submods page

" WtWSMS – " When The World Stopped Making Sense" mod." VIET" – The " Vanilla Immersion, Events and Traits" mod." TPTT" – " The Prince and the Thane" mod." SWMH" – The " Somewhat More Historical Map" mod." PB" – The " Project Balance" mod, previously known as "Balansegang"." MZ" – The " Mazdayasna Zarathushtrish" mod." HIP" – The " Historical Immersion Project" meta mod.


" COTC" – The Crisis of the Confederation mod." BLC" – The " Better Looking Characters" graphical mod." AGoT" or " GOT" – The " A Game of Thrones" mod." MR" – Merchant Republic – A government type in the game." OOS" – An "out of sync" bug, where two computers in multiplayer disagree about game state." NK" – North Korea mode – the practice of holding all counties (and perhaps even all baronies) directly, vastly in excess of your demesne limit." MA" – " Moral Authority" – an abstraction of the level of unity and authority of a religion." HK" – "Hunter Killer" – A huge army stack." FoW" – " Fog of War" – Hides troop movements in provinces more than 1 province away from the player's realm borders, troops (including allies), or councillors." MSR" – "Most Serene Republic" – a king-tier republic title." MTTH" – " Mean time to happen", mean or average time span in which the event is likely to fire, typically in the unit of months." WS" – " Warscore", the score used to calculate outcomes of wars.Prevents two parties from warring against one another. Obtained via marriage/close relationship with another character.

ck2 agot reddit submods page

A agreement between several rulers to defend against an extremely threatening neighbor.

  • " DoW" – Declaration of war extended into the verb "to DOW", meaning "to declare war".
  • " DD" – Development diary, a post about the development of a certain part of the game or DLC yet to be released at the time of writing, or, more recently, a mod in the same situation.
  • " RR" – Revolt risk, the likelihood of peasants taking up arms against their liege.
  • " UP" – Underpowered, the opposite of "overpowered".
  • " OP" – Overpowered used to reference a certain mechanic or tactic that's considered too powerful.
  • " CB" – ' Casus belli' = a justification for war, which is required in the game to declare any sort of war.
  • " LP" – Let's Play an alternative to the AAR, a video narrative of a game in progress with the action ongoing rather than already complete.
  • " AAR" – After-action report a kind of a story told about a game in progress but with the action already complete, often narrated as if the player was the actual character.
  • " WC" – World conquest direct conquest of every landed title.
  • " ERE" – Eastern Roman Empire, as alternative name for the Byzantine Empire.
  • " OPM" – One-province minor this acronym signifies a usually independent nation consisting of only one province.
  • " WAD" – Works/working as designed this acronym means that the thing in question is functioning as intended, typically used in the context of a mistaken bug.
  • " GG" – Gamersgate, one of the retailers of CKII.
  • " PI" – Paradox Interactive, the publisher of CKII.
  • " PDS" – Paradox Development Studio, the developers of CKII.
  • " CK2" or "CKII" – Crusader Kings II, the game you are on the wiki for.
  • These are the acronyms (initialisms) related to CK2 that you'll find on the Paradoxplaza forums:

    Ck2 agot reddit submods page